I have been thinking and praying about this for a while...
As a follower of Christ, I should feel completely satisfied and completely whole in my day to day life. The life and gospel of Jesus Christ is enough to provide all of the life and satisfaction that I need. For the most part I feel complete through Christ. My intimate relationship with Him has changed my life for the better and continues to shape my heart into the way God originally intended it to be. But as a human of the flesh and of this world, I battle with feelings of emptiness and discontent. As a broken and sinful man , I long for and often choose things to satisfy me other than Jesus and the satisfaction that he brings. When I long for worldly things, I am basically saying that Christ is not sufficient and I need something else. Jesus died and paid for my sin, so I wouldn't have to, he lived a perfect life and called me to something bigger than myself, what more do I need?
It has been a constant prayer for me that I would trust in God's will and plan, that I would trust where He has me and that He is maturing me into a man of contentment. That I will fill any emptiness in my life with the life giving spirit and words of Jesus. That He will forgive me when, as a broken man, I choose myself over Him and fill my emptiness with sinful things that ultimately bring death. I pray that I can continue to serve, labor and love for His kingdom and strive to know Him more day to day.
Through prayer and study, I have learned that it is essential for my health to believe and know that Jesus is just alright with me.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Superdrag Lives!!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
The Official Beast is Slain!!!!
Hello all,
As you may have noticed, it's been a long time since my last blog entry. Why so long?, you may ask. Well, I have spent the last two plus months wearing my freelance video editor hat while working on a massive DVD series on electrical safety. It was about 25 to 30 hours of power lines and grounded this or that and hard hat signs and rules 350 2A1b&c through footnote 9 etc... That being said, this project was officially a BEAST!!! A gargantuan sloth like creature with the body of a beast like creature and the head of a sloth like creature with a beast head.
It was a great job and a true blessing. I learned a lot about computers and video editing and I am grateful to God for providing for my needs.
As of today, I am done, so here I am.
There is so much to talk about, I don't even know where to start, so I won't.
I am going on a much needed vacation to the beach with my family and then to Chicago to see an old friend. He is actually younger than me, it's just that I have known him for a while. When I get back, my brain will be willing and able to download it's thoughts to this blog.
Until then......
As you may have noticed, it's been a long time since my last blog entry. Why so long?, you may ask. Well, I have spent the last two plus months wearing my freelance video editor hat while working on a massive DVD series on electrical safety. It was about 25 to 30 hours of power lines and grounded this or that and hard hat signs and rules 350 2A1b&c through footnote 9 etc... That being said, this project was officially a BEAST!!! A gargantuan sloth like creature with the body of a beast like creature and the head of a sloth like creature with a beast head.
It was a great job and a true blessing. I learned a lot about computers and video editing and I am grateful to God for providing for my needs.
As of today, I am done, so here I am.
There is so much to talk about, I don't even know where to start, so I won't.
I am going on a much needed vacation to the beach with my family and then to Chicago to see an old friend. He is actually younger than me, it's just that I have known him for a while. When I get back, my brain will be willing and able to download it's thoughts to this blog.
Until then......
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Oswald Chambers continues to lay down the word of God for us to read.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Last 5 Movies :)
Once - 2007 - directed by John Carney - A folk musical set in Dublin. Good acting and even better songs. 4 out of 5 stars.
Hot Fuzz - 2007 - directed by Edgar Wright - Amazing comedy by British team Simon Pegg, Edgar Wright and Nick Frost ("Shawn of the Dead"). 10 out of 5 stars. Even better than "Shawn", if that is even possible.
Amelie - 2001 - directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet - This movie is cool, witty, sweet, inspiring and just plain necessary. You won't be let down, unless you are a curmudgeon. 10 out of 5 stars.
Surf's Up - 2007 - directed by Ash Brannon & Chris Buck - Cute and beautifully animated family flick. Good Acting (Jeff Bridges, Shia LeBeouf and James Woods), good script and fun to watch. 4 out of 5 stars.
Sicko - 2007 - directed by Michael Moore - Need I say ....Moore. 5 out of 5 stars.
Hot Fuzz - 2007 - directed by Edgar Wright - Amazing comedy by British team Simon Pegg, Edgar Wright and Nick Frost ("Shawn of the Dead"). 10 out of 5 stars. Even better than "Shawn", if that is even possible.
Amelie - 2001 - directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet - This movie is cool, witty, sweet, inspiring and just plain necessary. You won't be let down, unless you are a curmudgeon. 10 out of 5 stars.
Surf's Up - 2007 - directed by Ash Brannon & Chris Buck - Cute and beautifully animated family flick. Good Acting (Jeff Bridges, Shia LeBeouf and James Woods), good script and fun to watch. 4 out of 5 stars.
Sicko - 2007 - directed by Michael Moore - Need I say ....Moore. 5 out of 5 stars.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Do yourself, your family and our country a favor and watch Michael Moore's "Sicko" (Free online). Regardless of our race, gender, religion or political views we should all fight/vote for universal health care. Although we are the most powerful and richest country in the world, we are the only country in the western world that does not have it. Unbelievable!!!! If we change our "Me" mentality to a "We" mentality and concentrate on loving our neighbors, we would live a more content, satisfying and peaceful life. It is never too late to change and everything is redeemable through God Almighty.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
True Story #3: Kindermusic and Me
I went to Greensboro this past Monday and Tuesday to hang with my sister (Ashley), brother-in-law (Bill) and twin niece (Gray) and nephew (Liam). We always have a great time when we are together, taking part in the simple things life has to offer. Conversation, morning coffee, three to five well balanced meals a day, laughter, 7 cold Cokes before lunch and sometimes 7 after, smoking hand rolled Cuban cigars from Mexico (don't ask because I don't get it either, all I know is that they were a gift from my mom from her trip to Mexico and were the best cigars Bill and I had ever smoked, in other words, they didn't singe your esophagus. Good score mom!!), and playing with two kids who give a new meaning the the word energy. As a matter of fact, I looked up the word energy in the latest edition of Webster's Dictionary and it had a picture of the both of them base jumping the Grand Canyon and they are only two years old, wild! Anyway, they are each taking a summer class and I had the privilege to attend both. Gray is taking Tumblebees, where she is quickly gaining confidence in the art of trampoline jumping and climbing, while slowly preparing for the Junior Olympics, and Liam is taking Kindermusic, where he is singing songs about bees, butterflies, frogs and such, while dancing the jig around other kids and their mom's. This brings me to the meat and potatoes of my story. Monday evening I rode with Bill and Liam and to participate in this thing called Kindermusic. I will admit, I was excited to see what Liam was learning and feel the whole Kindermusic vibe. We walked in to see all of the kids and their mom's sitting in a circle, we were the last to arrive. Bill quickly introduced me as Uncle Seth to avoid any confusion and we promptly sat down. I was going to sit in the corner and watch, but the teacher was like "come on over and sit down, it doesn't matter whether you can sing or not, it only matters that the kids see you participating" I replied jokingly, "I will take the harmonies". She didn't laugh. No one did actually. Yeah, I am pretty sure I was the only one. So I sit down realizing I am without kid. "That's cool" I thought, "I am comfortable enough with myself to do this". We started singing and dancing and clapping and holding hands with strangers to form a beehive, so the kids could escape and freak out on paper flowers taped to the wall just like real bees, you know the normal Kindermusic stuff. Well about three songs in, Bill and Liam got up to use the restroom and didn't return as quickly as I had thought, which left me in the Kindercircle with teacher, moms and kids, clapping my hands and knees, stomping my feet, and singing a nature song, all the while without kid. "A once in a lifetime experience", I thought, "that if I had to guess has never been experience by anyone ever". Lucky me!! :) The forever trend setter. Kindermusic for childless adults. I can see it now. It was cool though, Bill and Liam came back and we had a blast. Liam was so excited to be in the class and I like to think he was even more excited that his Uncle Seth was there with him and daddy the whole time. Maybe next summer I can enroll in a class of my own. I already know the songs. :)
Friday, June 22, 2007
Last 5 movies :)
Say Anything (1989): Cameron Crowe's directorial debut and yet another movie showing the genius of John Cusack.
Chinatown (1974): A Film Noir directed by Roman Polanski and starring Jack Nicholson and Faye Dunaway. All ingredients for pure genius.
The Motorcycle Diaries (2004): Just watch it and be amazed.
Knocked Up (2007): The latest from comic genius Judd Apatow and an absolute riot (funnier than The 40 Year Old Virgin). One of the funniest movies I have seen in the last 5 years. Seth Rogan is my new favorite funny guy, second to Will Ferrell of course.
The Pianist (2002): Another masterpiece (of many) from director Roman Polanski. Starring Adrian Brody in one of his finest performances, watch "Dummy (2002)" for another. These two movies have made him a favorite actor of mine.
Chinatown (1974): A Film Noir directed by Roman Polanski and starring Jack Nicholson and Faye Dunaway. All ingredients for pure genius.
The Motorcycle Diaries (2004): Just watch it and be amazed.
Knocked Up (2007): The latest from comic genius Judd Apatow and an absolute riot (funnier than The 40 Year Old Virgin). One of the funniest movies I have seen in the last 5 years. Seth Rogan is my new favorite funny guy, second to Will Ferrell of course.
The Pianist (2002): Another masterpiece (of many) from director Roman Polanski. Starring Adrian Brody in one of his finest performances, watch "Dummy (2002)" for another. These two movies have made him a favorite actor of mine.
True Story #2: The Outsourced Pimento Cheese
I took a lunch break from work today and walked about a block to the Person Street Pharmacy conveniently located on, you guessed it, Person Street. I walked up to the counter and asked the lady if they made their own pimento cheese. While it may be a ridiculous question, it is a necessary one in the art of Grilled Pimento Cheese Sandwich (on whole wheat) ordering. Her response was "we have someone who does it for us". What? What does that even mean? "Are you telling me you outsource your pimento cheese spread? "That it is too troublesome to combine chopped up cheese, mayonnaise, pimentos, and pepper"? "Bull Malarky, i say". I didn't actually say that, but thought it after the fact. Anyway, for those of you who aren't familiar with food service lingo/jargan/shop talk, that means....."we buy it at the grocery store". I also noticed that it was in a Country Crock container, so either Country Crock has expanded their butter business to pimento cheese spread or whoever made it stored it in an empty butter vat. I have to assume Country Crock has risen the bar and moved onto bigger and butter things... (had to do it and no, I am not sorry). It was a great sandwich though and the ladies at the counter were nice, country folk and I recommend it to anyone who is a fan of lunch counters. It made me think of the days when I used to work in the food service industry and how I said what I needed to say in order to satisfy the customer. Basically feeding a complete stranger a spoonful of BS. Like when I would tell a guest that I was brewing a fresh pot of coffee for them. Translation, "Oops, I forgot about your coffee, which is why it is taking so long". Another is when they would ask about the qualities and characteristics of a certain wine, in which I would reply with something referring to "hints of oak and asparagus" or "touches of raspberries and sorgum syrup" or that "a party of four came in last night, ordered three bottles and loved it". Translation, "I have not a clue, but you should order four bottles to avoid being branded a tight wad". Although I could sense the restaurant BS from day one, and wanted out ASAP, I became a victim of the spoon feeding mentality in order to get a hefty tip and make the night as smooth, painless and quick as possible, emphasis on the word quick. It was an interesting time in my life, considering I am a genuine man. Sometimes you gots to do what you gots to do, know what I mean? In closing, I hope this entry has provided you with a bit of laughter and entertainment. If not, please let me know, and I will outsource the next one for better results.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
It's time to bring the hammer down!!!
That title has nothing to do with what I am about to write, or does it?
I am listening to my friend's new music.
Simone, Teri, and Amy (and friends) are Rubies
A sweet and funky, old school disco, dance, new wave, pop smorgasbord of a band, out of Californ-I-A.
I have only heard a few jams from the new, soon to be released, full length, but it is enough to make me want to hear the rest.
"I Feel Electric" is, for a lack of less appropriate words, THE JAM!! A song that within the first twenty seconds makes you wanna super glue your repeat button, then tape it down with gaffers tape, never to be touched again. In other words, it makes me feel, well, electric.
"Stand in a Line" is classic Simone. Sung in that beautifully raspy voice. Honestly, words don't do it justice, you just have to meet her and hang with her and ask her to air drum for you and if your lucky jam and sing with her, then you'll know.
I have heard many of Simone's songs through the years. She has been crafting this kind of music for some time now, on the solo tip and with Call and Response, but Rubies takes it to a different level and emits a new charm. May I be the first to say, good job ladies!!
I am excited the hear the rest of the album and recommend jamming these tunes over and over.
Hey, while your at it, head on over to Sorcerer and let Dan's music rip you out into space on a vinyl surfboard made of vinyl. But that my friends, is for another blog.
I am listening to my friend's new music.
Simone, Teri, and Amy (and friends) are Rubies
A sweet and funky, old school disco, dance, new wave, pop smorgasbord of a band, out of Californ-I-A.
I have only heard a few jams from the new, soon to be released, full length, but it is enough to make me want to hear the rest.
"I Feel Electric" is, for a lack of less appropriate words, THE JAM!! A song that within the first twenty seconds makes you wanna super glue your repeat button, then tape it down with gaffers tape, never to be touched again. In other words, it makes me feel, well, electric.
"Stand in a Line" is classic Simone. Sung in that beautifully raspy voice. Honestly, words don't do it justice, you just have to meet her and hang with her and ask her to air drum for you and if your lucky jam and sing with her, then you'll know.
I have heard many of Simone's songs through the years. She has been crafting this kind of music for some time now, on the solo tip and with Call and Response, but Rubies takes it to a different level and emits a new charm. May I be the first to say, good job ladies!!
I am excited the hear the rest of the album and recommend jamming these tunes over and over.
Hey, while your at it, head on over to Sorcerer and let Dan's music rip you out into space on a vinyl surfboard made of vinyl. But that my friends, is for another blog.
Monday, June 4, 2007
July 4th, 2004
For anyone interested, I have posted a new song on myspace. It was written after a perfect day in NYC, July 4th, 2004. The weather, the company, the laughter and the East River fireworks were amazing. I will never forget it and thank God I was able to preserve it in a pop song.
Here you go:
Sweet Satu
by Seth Hall
Here you go:
Sweet Satu
by Seth Hall
Saturday, May 26, 2007
True Story #1 - The Raw Bream
This is the first in a series of true stories from my life told when I remember them, as I remember them, with the purpose of providing some kind of comic relief, thought provoking drama, nail biting suspense and/or, God willing, spiritual insight. Enjoy.
The Raw Bream
by Seth Hall
When I was in middle school, I would sometimes hang out with the older kids from the neighborhood, you know play basketball, skateboard, fish or whatever. Well, on one hot summer day, during my 6th grade year (1986-87), I happened to be hanging with three of them. One was a year older, the other about two and "the leader" was three or four years older. We were down at Shelley Lake in North Raleigh fishing, when one of them decided to joke about me eating a fish from the lake. I quickly replied "yeah right, I'm not eating a fish from this disease ridden lake" or something of that nature. (I had probably never heard the term disease ridden before in my life, but we'll say I had for the story's sake :) Well, when I said that, it got the other two into it and they decided that I was going to eat a fish from that lake, and a raw fish at that!!! Someone had just caught a brim, (probably me since eating a raw fish you'd just caught would be the most humiliating thing ever!), when they dragged me to the woods and proceeded to surround me, forcefully saying, "Eat it, eat it", "Heck no" I said. "Eat it, eat it", "No way man, I am not eating that" I replied, so on and so forth for the longest 30 minutes of my life. The more I said no, the more they insisted (you know, classic neighborhood bully behaviour) until one genius said, "How about if we cook it". I was so relieved to be moving on to the next level, that I said "OK", thinking that would never happen since none of us had any fire and we were a long walk from home. That did not matter. One of them quickly got up and run all the way around the lake to his house, returning 30 minutes later with his Rambo knife, (the popular 80's novelty knife with a compass on the handle that would unscrew to reveal a "survival kit" which contained a string saw, a knife sharpener, needle and thread, some fish hooks and you guessed it matches). Upon sight my stomach turned to knots and I started to get worried..... In my head I thought, "this might actually happen, please God don't let this happen. I always throw your fish back, you know, to keep the population going. Please God don't let this happen". I don't know if I actually thought in terms of God during the 6th grade, but I was definitely freaking out and asking for some kind of miracle. Anyway, as the "survivalist" unscrewed the compass and took out the "survival kit", I saw a pack of about 10 matches. One by one they proceeded to strike those matches in hopes of starting a fire, but by the grace of God they all broke, everyone of them. No lie. It was a long drawn out process, but none of those matches did their job of producing fire for man. Following this, the three of them decided to give up on the whole idea of killing me through the consumption of raw or undercooked disease ridden fish and we embarked on our journey home.
On the way home I remember feeling relief coupled with anger and betrayal. How could these jerks live with themselves? What did I do to them to deserve this? I would never know. Although we were never really close friends, I continued to see those guys around the neighborhood and we had some good times doing what neighborhood kids do. Last I heard the first guy was an engineer with a wife and a whole mess a kids, the other was working in computers and the third, the "leader", was an ordained preacher. I can only imagine that service. A lesson in humility, an ungodly scheme failed. Looks like God has a plan after all and it happens to involve me not dieing that day in the woods. OK, a little over dramatic I know. It involves me not getting really sick in the woods. Is that better?
Side note: I've been meaning to write the company that produced those knifes and thank them for making such a terrible product and ripping my "friends" off.
Lesson learned: Pick better friends
The Raw Bream
by Seth Hall
When I was in middle school, I would sometimes hang out with the older kids from the neighborhood, you know play basketball, skateboard, fish or whatever. Well, on one hot summer day, during my 6th grade year (1986-87), I happened to be hanging with three of them. One was a year older, the other about two and "the leader" was three or four years older. We were down at Shelley Lake in North Raleigh fishing, when one of them decided to joke about me eating a fish from the lake. I quickly replied "yeah right, I'm not eating a fish from this disease ridden lake" or something of that nature. (I had probably never heard the term disease ridden before in my life, but we'll say I had for the story's sake :) Well, when I said that, it got the other two into it and they decided that I was going to eat a fish from that lake, and a raw fish at that!!! Someone had just caught a brim, (probably me since eating a raw fish you'd just caught would be the most humiliating thing ever!), when they dragged me to the woods and proceeded to surround me, forcefully saying, "Eat it, eat it", "Heck no" I said. "Eat it, eat it", "No way man, I am not eating that" I replied, so on and so forth for the longest 30 minutes of my life. The more I said no, the more they insisted (you know, classic neighborhood bully behaviour) until one genius said, "How about if we cook it". I was so relieved to be moving on to the next level, that I said "OK", thinking that would never happen since none of us had any fire and we were a long walk from home. That did not matter. One of them quickly got up and run all the way around the lake to his house, returning 30 minutes later with his Rambo knife, (the popular 80's novelty knife with a compass on the handle that would unscrew to reveal a "survival kit" which contained a string saw, a knife sharpener, needle and thread, some fish hooks and you guessed it matches). Upon sight my stomach turned to knots and I started to get worried..... In my head I thought, "this might actually happen, please God don't let this happen. I always throw your fish back, you know, to keep the population going. Please God don't let this happen". I don't know if I actually thought in terms of God during the 6th grade, but I was definitely freaking out and asking for some kind of miracle. Anyway, as the "survivalist" unscrewed the compass and took out the "survival kit", I saw a pack of about 10 matches. One by one they proceeded to strike those matches in hopes of starting a fire, but by the grace of God they all broke, everyone of them. No lie. It was a long drawn out process, but none of those matches did their job of producing fire for man. Following this, the three of them decided to give up on the whole idea of killing me through the consumption of raw or undercooked disease ridden fish and we embarked on our journey home.
On the way home I remember feeling relief coupled with anger and betrayal. How could these jerks live with themselves? What did I do to them to deserve this? I would never know. Although we were never really close friends, I continued to see those guys around the neighborhood and we had some good times doing what neighborhood kids do. Last I heard the first guy was an engineer with a wife and a whole mess a kids, the other was working in computers and the third, the "leader", was an ordained preacher. I can only imagine that service. A lesson in humility, an ungodly scheme failed. Looks like God has a plan after all and it happens to involve me not dieing that day in the woods. OK, a little over dramatic I know. It involves me not getting really sick in the woods. Is that better?
Side note: I've been meaning to write the company that produced those knifes and thank them for making such a terrible product and ripping my "friends" off.
Lesson learned: Pick better friends
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Chant Down Babylon
New Favorite Song
Chant Down Babylon
by John Davis
I can feel it in my knees
The weather's gonna change on me
but I will not be disarranged
by someone with nothing to sigh
I'll set a fire behind this place
I'm back here crawling after grace
I and I fight back with an act of love
to overcome evil with good
I will stake my life on the power of love
to overcome evil with good
The easiest thing in the world
Is to feel like your alone
We're not made for being alone
The love in your heart is a pearl
you gotta keep it from turning to stone
I'll kick over this facade
I consecrate myself to God
But I will not be rearranged
by someone with nothing to sigh
I can feel it in my boots
the enemy takes aim it shoots
I and I still chant down on Babylon
Chant down Babylon
I and I will chant down on Babylon
Chant down Babylon
The easiest thing in the world
Is to feel like your alone
We're not made for being alone
The love in your heart is a pearl
you gotta keep it from turning to stone
Chant Down Babylon
by John Davis
I can feel it in my knees
The weather's gonna change on me
but I will not be disarranged
by someone with nothing to sigh
I'll set a fire behind this place
I'm back here crawling after grace
I and I fight back with an act of love
to overcome evil with good
I will stake my life on the power of love
to overcome evil with good
The easiest thing in the world
Is to feel like your alone
We're not made for being alone
The love in your heart is a pearl
you gotta keep it from turning to stone
I'll kick over this facade
I consecrate myself to God
But I will not be rearranged
by someone with nothing to sigh
I can feel it in my boots
the enemy takes aim it shoots
I and I still chant down on Babylon
Chant down Babylon
I and I will chant down on Babylon
Chant down Babylon
The easiest thing in the world
Is to feel like your alone
We're not made for being alone
The love in your heart is a pearl
you gotta keep it from turning to stone
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
5 new records
Wilco - Sky Blue Sky (2007) Americana
Feist - The Reminder (2007) Female Crooner Pop
Mississippi John Hurt - Rediscovered (1966) Blues
Fairport Convention - Liege and Leaf (1969) English Folk Rock
Steeleye Span - Hark! The Village Wait (1970) English Folk Rock
Feist - The Reminder (2007) Female Crooner Pop
Mississippi John Hurt - Rediscovered (1966) Blues
Fairport Convention - Liege and Leaf (1969) English Folk Rock
Steeleye Span - Hark! The Village Wait (1970) English Folk Rock
Quote of a lifetime
My friend Bliss introduced this quote to me. I suggest we all follow suit.
"What if we were content (satisfied and fulfilled) with God's perfect love and were free to give love, rather than constantly maneuvering to get it? Or what if we were content with our identity in God and were free to serve the world, rather than trying to prove we have a right to exist in it."
"What if we were content (satisfied and fulfilled) with God's perfect love and were free to give love, rather than constantly maneuvering to get it? Or what if we were content with our identity in God and were free to serve the world, rather than trying to prove we have a right to exist in it."
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Life or Art?..... or both?
It's funny how life can repeatedly imitate art and vice versa.
God continues to teach me and remind me of who I am, through who I was.
Technicolor Dream (The Modfathers)
written by me when I was 24 years old
This has been a common theme in my life
A cup of tea with indecision
They both go hand in hand
The only way to get around it
is to sing with the band
An ounce of hope and conversation
For those who just don't understand
The only way to get around it
Is to sing with the band
Took a wrong direction
Didn't get too far
Felt a strong connection
Girl if you had the slightest clue
You'd wish you were here with me
If I could fall asleep with you
I'd sleep 'til eternity
I cherish the thought that still remains
Our images coincide
I never wanted to contain the way that I feel inside
I never wanted to contain the way that I feel inside
I never wanted to contain the way that I feel inside
I never wanted to contain the way that I feel inside
I never wanted to contain the way that I feel inside
God continues to teach me and remind me of who I am, through who I was.
Technicolor Dream (The Modfathers)
written by me when I was 24 years old
This has been a common theme in my life
A cup of tea with indecision
They both go hand in hand
The only way to get around it
is to sing with the band
An ounce of hope and conversation
For those who just don't understand
The only way to get around it
Is to sing with the band
Took a wrong direction
Didn't get too far
Felt a strong connection
Girl if you had the slightest clue
You'd wish you were here with me
If I could fall asleep with you
I'd sleep 'til eternity
I cherish the thought that still remains
Our images coincide
I never wanted to contain the way that I feel inside
I never wanted to contain the way that I feel inside
I never wanted to contain the way that I feel inside
I never wanted to contain the way that I feel inside
I never wanted to contain the way that I feel inside
Life & Art
As human beings we all experience the same emotions.
Pain and hearthache are no exception.
I am comforted knowing that salvation is real and everything is redeemable through God.
This song resonates with my life right now.
A Gift for Melody Anne
by the Avett Brothers
I want to get back
I want to get square
I want to get back all the hopes
and dreams that I have
that the good Lord above us can spare
Like that actor said
I don’t wanna lose heart
I don’t wanna get beat beat down
By the big big world
Or quit before I even start
Lord, I just want me life to be true
Yeah, and I just want me heart to be true
Yeah, and I just want my words to be true
I want my soul to feel brand new
I wanna hold hands
Yeah, and I wanna make love
And I wanna keep running all day
And all night even when my mind tells my body that’s enough
And I wanna stand up
Yeah, and I wanna stand tall
If I ever have a son, if I ever have a daughter
I don’t wanna tell ‘em that I didn’t give my all
And, I just want me life to be true
Yeah, and I just want me heart to be true
Yeah, and I just want my words to be true
I want my soul to feel brand brand new
Like a fresh coat of paint
We can make it anything but blue
Anything but blue
Now when your dreams start saying, I can’t come true
You’d be better off without me
Don’t let ‘em go
Don’t let ‘em go
I don’t wanna go broke
Not from one bad deal
I don’t wanna be up all night
Crying in my hands
For a girl that isn’t even real
Lord, I just want me life to be true
Yeah, and I just want me heart to be true
And, I just want my words to be true
Yeah, and I just want my song to be true
Yeah, and I just want my heart to be true
Yeah, and I just want my life to be true
Yeah, and I just want my words to be true
And, I just want my heart to be true
Yeah, and I just want my life to be true
And, I just want my song to be true
And, I just want my life to be true
I want my soul to feel brand new
I want my soul to feel brand new
Pain and hearthache are no exception.
I am comforted knowing that salvation is real and everything is redeemable through God.
This song resonates with my life right now.
A Gift for Melody Anne
by the Avett Brothers
I want to get back
I want to get square
I want to get back all the hopes
and dreams that I have
that the good Lord above us can spare
Like that actor said
I don’t wanna lose heart
I don’t wanna get beat beat down
By the big big world
Or quit before I even start
Lord, I just want me life to be true
Yeah, and I just want me heart to be true
Yeah, and I just want my words to be true
I want my soul to feel brand new
I wanna hold hands
Yeah, and I wanna make love
And I wanna keep running all day
And all night even when my mind tells my body that’s enough
And I wanna stand up
Yeah, and I wanna stand tall
If I ever have a son, if I ever have a daughter
I don’t wanna tell ‘em that I didn’t give my all
And, I just want me life to be true
Yeah, and I just want me heart to be true
Yeah, and I just want my words to be true
I want my soul to feel brand brand new
Like a fresh coat of paint
We can make it anything but blue
Anything but blue
Now when your dreams start saying, I can’t come true
You’d be better off without me
Don’t let ‘em go
Don’t let ‘em go
I don’t wanna go broke
Not from one bad deal
I don’t wanna be up all night
Crying in my hands
For a girl that isn’t even real
Lord, I just want me life to be true
Yeah, and I just want me heart to be true
And, I just want my words to be true
Yeah, and I just want my song to be true
Yeah, and I just want my heart to be true
Yeah, and I just want my life to be true
Yeah, and I just want my words to be true
And, I just want my heart to be true
Yeah, and I just want my life to be true
And, I just want my song to be true
And, I just want my life to be true
I want my soul to feel brand new
I want my soul to feel brand new
Friday, May 18, 2007
The last 5 movies I've watched :)
Mystery Train - Jim Jarmusch
- Great movie set in Memphis by one of the best independent filmmakers of the last 25 years
- Classic 80's horror/ghost story, not very scary but fun to watch. John Carpenter composed the music to most of his movies, very cool synth stuff.
- Daniel Johnston is a manic-depressive genius singer/songwrite/artist who almost slipped away. This movie is the stunning portriat of his life.
- Clint Eastwood as the "Man with No Name" in the second installment of the Spaghetti Western Trilogy. Ennio Morriconne composed the music. Amazing movie!!
- Will Ferrell as one half of a male figure skating team. Best comedy of the year!!! Need I say more.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Reunited and it feels so good
If The Police reunite, I am there!!!! Unless it is too far away, then I will just watch the concert on youtube.
First Blog Ever
The title says it all, well except for...Howdy. I hope this blog reaches everyone out there in Internet town in good spirits. I have jumped on the bandwagon, or the blogwagon, and embarked on a mission like no other. A mission to redeem the world through love, laughter and truth.
I am currently reading the book of Acts. It is my favorite book of the bible so far. Jesus is risen and He sends the Apostles out into the world to build the Christian church. It shows us the power and love of God and what the church is supposed to be, the redeemer of the world. A place for us to live in community and love each other in the name of Jesus Christ. Pretty simple if you think about it, though history has proven that it can be warped and manipulated into something else entirely. Not all churches are off base though. But the question is, how many churches today are like that of the first church in Acts? I've never counted, so I can't answer that exactly, but based on the worlds perception of the church, I would guess less than more. I suggest we throw out all the rules and regulations that stifle the soul and get down to the basics. Jesus's words. Truth. Let's face it, a lot of churches are boring. They are anything but engaging and encouraging. The perception is that one day out of the week you have to put on a three piece get up, a tie from Abercrombie that you got for your birthday, and a nice pair of loafers to go and listen to someone you barely know telling you how to live your life, all so you can feel better about yourself. Who really wants that? I never did. How about we live, love and interact in a community, seek the truth and the challenge (aka God's word) any/every day of the week, all the while wearing jeans and flip flops. Who says worshiping God and following Christ has to be stale and boring?
All of this reminds me of a Johnny Paycheck song called "The Outlaw's Prayer". It is basically about a man getting kicked out of a church full of hypocrites for not looking "the part", in which Mr. Paycheck responds, didn't John the Baptist have a beard, camel hair coat and sandals, and didn't Jesus have long hair, beard and sandals on his feet.
It is a genius song, check it out..... http://www.rhapsody.com/johnnypaycheck/16biggesthits
For the past year and a half I have been involved in a local church in Raleigh, NC called Vintage 21. get to know the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It is a throw back to the book of Acts and the Gospel of Jesus. Encouraging, engaging, and creative conversation directed towards the world, with the intent to find out who God really is. Our purpose on this earth is the live a life in a relationship with the Creator and through the words of Jesus, Vintage 21 is laboring to do this. I am humbled to be a part of it.
Books that helped me see real Christianity
Velvet Elvis - by Rob Bell
Searching For God Knows What - by Donald Miller
Blue Like Jazz - by Donald Miller
My Utmost for His Highest - by Oswald Chambers http://www.rbc.org/utmost/index.php
Until next time.....
I am currently reading the book of Acts. It is my favorite book of the bible so far. Jesus is risen and He sends the Apostles out into the world to build the Christian church. It shows us the power and love of God and what the church is supposed to be, the redeemer of the world. A place for us to live in community and love each other in the name of Jesus Christ. Pretty simple if you think about it, though history has proven that it can be warped and manipulated into something else entirely. Not all churches are off base though. But the question is, how many churches today are like that of the first church in Acts? I've never counted, so I can't answer that exactly, but based on the worlds perception of the church, I would guess less than more. I suggest we throw out all the rules and regulations that stifle the soul and get down to the basics. Jesus's words. Truth. Let's face it, a lot of churches are boring. They are anything but engaging and encouraging. The perception is that one day out of the week you have to put on a three piece get up, a tie from Abercrombie that you got for your birthday, and a nice pair of loafers to go and listen to someone you barely know telling you how to live your life, all so you can feel better about yourself. Who really wants that? I never did. How about we live, love and interact in a community, seek the truth and the challenge (aka God's word) any/every day of the week, all the while wearing jeans and flip flops. Who says worshiping God and following Christ has to be stale and boring?
All of this reminds me of a Johnny Paycheck song called "The Outlaw's Prayer". It is basically about a man getting kicked out of a church full of hypocrites for not looking "the part", in which Mr. Paycheck responds, didn't John the Baptist have a beard, camel hair coat and sandals, and didn't Jesus have long hair, beard and sandals on his feet.
It is a genius song, check it out..... http://www.rhapsody.com/johnnypaycheck/16biggesthits
For the past year and a half I have been involved in a local church in Raleigh, NC called Vintage 21. get to know the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It is a throw back to the book of Acts and the Gospel of Jesus. Encouraging, engaging, and creative conversation directed towards the world, with the intent to find out who God really is. Our purpose on this earth is the live a life in a relationship with the Creator and through the words of Jesus, Vintage 21 is laboring to do this. I am humbled to be a part of it.
Books that helped me see real Christianity
Velvet Elvis - by Rob Bell
Searching For God Knows What - by Donald Miller
Blue Like Jazz - by Donald Miller
My Utmost for His Highest - by Oswald Chambers http://www.rbc.org/utmost/index.php
Until next time.....
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