Monday, November 12, 2007

Jesus Is Just Alright With Me

I have been thinking and praying about this for a while...

As a follower of Christ, I should feel completely satisfied and completely whole in my day to day life. The life and gospel of Jesus Christ is enough to provide all of the life and satisfaction that I need. For the most part I feel complete through Christ. My intimate relationship with Him has changed my life for the better and continues to shape my heart into the way God originally intended it to be. But as a human of the flesh and of this world, I battle with feelings of emptiness and discontent. As a broken and sinful man , I long for and often choose things to satisfy me other than Jesus and the satisfaction that he brings. When I long for worldly things, I am basically saying that Christ is not sufficient and I need something else. Jesus died and paid for my sin, so I wouldn't have to, he lived a perfect life and called me to something bigger than myself, what more do I need?

It has been a constant prayer for me that I would trust in God's will and plan, that I would trust where He has me and that He is maturing me into a man of contentment. That I will fill any emptiness in my life with the life giving spirit and words of Jesus. That He will forgive me when, as a broken man, I choose myself over Him and fill my emptiness with sinful things that ultimately bring death. I pray that I can continue to serve, labor and love for His kingdom and strive to know Him more day to day.

Through prayer and study, I have learned that it is essential for my health to believe and know that Jesus is just alright with me.